Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Telenor Pakistan talkshawk Anti-virus for Handsets

Follow the procedure below to download the anti-virus for handsets:
Disinfection for the cases when phone cannot start up
Caution! this method will remove all data on the device including calendar and phone numbers:
  • Power off the phone.
  • Hold the following three buttons down - "answer call" + "*" + "3".
  • Keep holding down the buttons and power on the phone
  • Depending on the model, you will either get text that reads "formatting" or a start-up dialog that asks for the initial phone settings.
  • Your phone is now formatted and can be used again
Telenor is only providing information for the convenience of its customers, and cannot be held liable in case of any loss of data or services.

Detailed Description

Detection of HatiHati.A is based on commercial anti-theft software for Symbian Series60 phones. It was not authored with malicious intent. HatiHati is an alias

The application's code, version 0.95 beta, suffers from two bugs that cause worm-like behavior. There also exists an unauthorized version of the beta that has been repackaged.

The anti-theft software sends an SMS alert when it detects a change in the installed phone's SIM card. Flaws in the code of version 0.95 cause the application to copy itself from an MMC card to any new phone in which the MMC card is inserted. Once installed on the new phone, the application considers the SIM card to be changed.

HatiHati.A then begins to send SMS alerts. The second bug in the code causes thousands of SMS alerts to be sent. This can result in a significant financial cost to the phone's owner.

Detection of HatiHati version 0.95 beta was added to F-Secure Mobile Anti-Virus at the request of the original software author.

HatiHati. A affects phones running Symbian S60 2nd Edition and older, which means that the most recent device affected is the Nokia N72

If you are running F-Secure Mobile Anti-Virus and are notified of HatiHati.
A detection, please make sure your anti-theft software is up to date. If you are using the unauthorized repacking of HatiHati.A, you should delete the application.

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